Sunday, June 28, 2009


I saw Transformers: Rise of the Fallen over the weekend.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Action, comedy, and a bit of drama; all that you would expect from a summer blockbuster.
I guess more people are cynical than me. I figured this out when I was exiting the theater and one of the many friends I went with was loudly declaring his disapproval of the movie.
The internet is filled with people sharing his sentiment.

I can understand to an extent I suppose.
Some people don't like movies like Transformers because of the fame they get while other movies make far less and are equally as good.
I like all kinds of movies and yes, I enjoyed this one very much.

Basically, I just think people like having a reason to bitch.
Music, movies, books. Some people are always going to want to complain and be miserable.
Not every movie is going to be Donnie Darko, not every album is going to be Tell All Your Friends, and not every book is going to be The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

I just think people would do right by themselves to broaden their damn horizons.
If bitching makes you happy, that's great, but I would rather take the joy in things I can.

I mean I really don't like country music, but I kinda enjoy Garth Brooks songs when I hear them.

The glass is half full.

Take happiness where you can get it. Even if it is in something you don't necessarily like.

and smile.
People always look better when they smile.

Frowns are so unattractive.

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